
Who are you?

We’re a group of people in the marketplace living out our faith in authentic relationships.

gc_accent1What does that look like?

For people who have no understanding of the promises of Jesus, we simply spend time interacting with them, at their pace, on such topics as:

  • What’s the real purpose of life?
  • Are Christianity and the Bible still credible after all these years?
  • How can I be a better professional?
  • How can I make my marriage work?
  • Where is God?
  • Who is Jesus?
  • Can I honestly be accepted and forgiven?

What kind of people are you looking for?

We welcome every business person no matter what your background is or how much you know. We’re more interested in how much passion you possess for learning.

 Can You Help Me With Some of the Struggles I’m Having?

Chances are very good that we can, and more importantly, our members have a heart for just that. Remember, Christ didn’t come to save the “found” and the “perfect.” He tells all who are weary and downtrodden to “Come to me.” If you’re weighed down by junk in your life, there is a person nearby who would consider it an honor to draw alongside you to point the way to Christ.

gc_accent2What About My Business Issues?

Whatever your current role in business, whatever you aspire to be, we will help you think biblically through it. As Christians in the business world, we desire to love Christ Jesus more than our work or our wealth. That doesn’t come naturally for us, so we help each other mature into the business person God wants us to be.

What Do You Mean By “Point the Way to Christ”?

We mean we share the Christian gospel or good news. It is one of the two main things we do. In short, everyone lives in rebellion to God by living our own way. We naturally rebel, because we were born that way. Jesus made the sacrifice necessary to make us right with God, so that by faith and God’s grace, we can follow Him. Following Him is the only way to live.

Should Discipleship Be Important to Me?

Yes! Being a disciple of Christ means believing and acting on what the Bible says about God, work, and life, and then sharing that truth with others in a life-on-life relationship. Jesus calls all Christians to do this in Matthew 28:18-20. It’s called The Great Commission.

I know about Jesus but I’ve never really had any relationship with Him, is that OK?

Absolutely that’s OK. The fact that you know even a little about Christ shows that somewhere, sometime, Jesus was tapping on your heart. Just know this: there are CBMCers waiting for you to say… “Yes, I want to get connected to something and someone bigger than me!”

If you want to know more about Jesus and your relationship with God, read this.