Learning To Thrive In The Best Environment

By Robert J. Tamasy Have you gone to a public aquarium and observed the fish calmly swimming around, content in their watery environment? Do you suppose they are even aware of the water in which they live? I doubt it. That is their natural habitat, and they have never...

‘True For You, But Not For Me’?

By Fritz Klumpp “True for you, but not for me”? I was stunned that the fellow airline pilot I was speaking with could possibly believe that truth was subjective, simply based upon what one feels is right. How could an airline captain make such a statement, knowing his...

Workplace Stress Abounds Worldwide

By Rick Boxx According to one prominent research agency’s “State of the Workplace 2023” survey, 44 percent of global employees experienced daily workplace stress in 2023. This percentage – amounting to nearly half of all workers – represented an all-time high for the...

What If There Had Not Been A First Christmas?

By Robert J. Tamasy This week millions of people around the world, on every continent, will celebrate Christmas which commemorates the birth of Jesus Christ. This holiday is probably the most widely recognised of any annual observance, although not everyone celebrates...

Wisdom And Understanding For The Workplace

By D. C. Chen I began my working career at an early age, at Chung Hwa Chemical Industrial Works when I was 14 years old. At that time, I was physically weak and often felt inferior due to my lack of strength. However, my boss reminded me success in business relies not...

The Joy Of Being Zealous Stewards

By Austin Pryor “Zealous” is an interesting word. It means showing great energy or enthusiasm in pursuit of a cause or objective. It is good to be zealous, if we are zealous for the right things. The apostle Paul wrote, “It is fine to be zealous, provided the purpose...