Heredity, Heritage, Inheritance And Legacy

By Robert J. Tamasy Some time ago I engaged in a fascinating discussion with members of a CBMC group in another city. I had written an edition of Monday Manna about the importance of leaving a legacy, and they were curious to know the distinction between four...

‘Quit’ Has No Place In Our Vocabulary

By Dan Britton Several years ago, a high school football team in Michigan, U.S.A. cancelled the last five games of its season after going 0–4 and having not scored a point at the start of the season. Going winless and scoreless has a sting to it, but my heart hurts...

Quiet Desperation, Or Joyful Anticipation?

By Robert J. Tamasy Back in the mid-1800s, essayist, poet and philosopher Henry David Thoreau made a statement that has become familiar to many of us, “The mass of men lead lives of quiet desperation.” In Thoreau’s extended quotation, he said, “What is called...

Setting Healthy Work Boundaries

By Rick Boxx The work world can be filled with stress – deadlines to be met, quotas to be filled, goals to be achieved, profit margins to be maintained. Because of these demands, many workplaces become unhealthy environments, potentially detrimental to the physical,...

10 Rules For Successful Farming – And Living

By Ken Korkow Although I enjoyed a successful career in real estate for a number of years, the influence of growing up on a farm has never left me. My family still owns a ranch in Pierre, South Dakota, U.S.A., and I return there often. In that relatively quiet...

Has Someone Or Something Moved Your ‘Cheese’?

By Robert J. Tamasy Recently I re-read the classic book, Who Moved My Cheese? by Spencer Johnson, M.D. First published in 1998, this allegory still resonates for many of us today. With the pace of change in our world seeming to escalate daily – perhaps more in the...