Planning To Start The New Year Well

By Robert J. Tamasy Six days from now, people in many parts of the world will begin celebrating the start of a new year. “Out with the old, and in with the new.” Even though hysteria diminished over the coronavirus – commonly known as COVID-19 – the year that soon...

The Search For The Meaning Of Christmas

By Robert J. Tamasy We have officially entered what is widely known as “Christmas week.” Of course, retail stores have been displaying their Christmas finery for months already: Christmas trees and ornaments, animated Santa Claus figures, candy canes of all sizes, and...

Focusing On What Really Matters

By Jim Langley A while ago I was having a series of discussions with a young man about his new-found faith in Jesus Christ, focusing especially on what really matters in life and work. Having a proper focus can dramatically change the course of our individual lives....

The Salesperson’s Dilemma

By Rick Boxx Many salespeople have told me a similar story. When the pressure to produce rises, they begin hearing their bosses instruct them, “If you get someone on the phone, tell them whatever you have to in order to close the sale.” In essence, these salespeople...

Ever Wonder How You Got To Where You Are?

By Robert J. Tamasy Have you ever stopped to reflect on the seemingly random events that have contributed to where you are professionally to this point? Whether we’re just getting started in a career, midway through it, or nearing the end of our vocational life, many...

The Day Thanks Went Missing

By Matt Bell Think about one of the greatest gifts you have received. I am not talking about something you found under the tree one Christmas morning. Think bigger, more miraculous. Maybe it was a time when you were out of work and a job materialised that could not be...