By Robert J. Tamasy
The adage from years ago informed us the only things certain in life are death and taxes. Those two remain constant, at least in most countries, but there is at least one other certainty we all must confront: Change. Just as surely as the sun will rise in the east every morning, each new day will bring with it changes of some kind, whether we like it or not.
The COVID-19 pandemic brought about monumental changes, of course. And lately we have been hearing that, along with the virus making an unwanted comeback, bringing with it the threat of renewed social restrictions and regulations, other major health challenges might be looming.
But health and medical concerns are not the only causes for massive change in our lives. The economy, both nationally and globally, seems more volatile than ever. As a result, decision-making for both our businesses and our personal lives becomes more complex. Technology is a perpetual source of change, requiring that we become flexible and adaptive if we are to remain competitive in the 21st century marketplace. Within our own industries, change is a constant companion – again, like it or not.
So how are we to respond? I like the advice of leadership consultant and author Tim Kight, who said, “Change is often inconvenient and uncomfortable, but that does not make it a threat. Change gives you an opportunity to differentiate yourself. Most people do not like change, so do not be like most people. Step up and respond with discipline to the opportunity that change presents.”
Those are wise words. While everyone else seems to be agonising over and resisting change, we have the option of embracing it, uniquely positioning ourselves as change advocates. Admittedly, that is much easier to say than to put into action. So how do we do this? Faith in God can be a great asset in being able to do that. Consider a few things the Bible tells us about change:
God does not change. In dealing with the shifting currents of change, it helps to find a source of stability, an anchor to keep us from going far adrift. The Scriptures teach that God is the anchor, the one constant in an ever-changing world. “Jesus Christ is the same yesterday and today and forever” (Hebrews 13:8). “to the only God our Savior be glory, majesty, dominion, and authority through Jesus Christ our Lord before all time, and now, and for all eternity” (Jude 1:25).
The unchanging God holds the ever-changing future. Would you like to know that when unexpected, even unwanted changes come, you can trust the outcome of those changes has been determined? Faith in God gives us this assurance. “‘For I know the plans I have for you,’ declares the Lord, ‘plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future’” (Jeremiah 29:11). “Call on Me and I will answer you and show you great and mighty things that you do not know” (Jeremiah 33:3).
God is always with us. When travelling through unfamiliar territory, it is always helpful to have a guide who knows the way to reach our intended destination. “Even though I walk through the valley of the shadow of death, I will fear no evil, for You are with me, Your rod and Your staff, they comfort me” (Psalm 23:4). “So do not fear, for I am with you, do not be dismayed, for I am your God. I will strengthen you and help you, I will uphold you with my righteous right hand” (Isaiah 41:10).
© 2022. Robert J. Tamasy has written Marketplace Ambassadors: CBMC’s Continuing Legacy of Evangelism and Discipleship; Business at Its Best: Timeless Wisdom from Proverbs for Today’s Workplace; Pursuing Life With a Shepherd’s Heart, coauthored with Ken Johnson; and The Heart of Mentoring, coauthored with David A. Stoddard. Bob’s biweekly blog is:
Reflection/Discussion Questions
What have been the biggest changes you have had to confront over the past year?
How have you dealt with those changes? Did they cause a lot of stress and anxiety for you, or were you able to cope with and address those changes calmly and productively? Explain your answer.
Why do you think so many people respond to change negatively? How difficult is it to respond to change in a positive way, perceiving it as an opportunity, when others see it only as a problem to be resisted?
Do you agree that faith and trust in God can make a meaningful difference in how we handle changes? Why or why not? If you do agree, what are some practical ways in which such faith can be put into action?
NOTE: If you have a Bible and would like to read more, consider the following passages:
Psalm 37:3-7
Proverbs 3:5-6, 14:4, 16:4,9, 20:24
Ecclesiastes 3:1-8
John 14:27