Identifying And Meeting Your Team’s Needs

By Rick Boxx Stephen Phelan, a top executive with a major mortgage corporation, was speaking at a conference about his company’s approach to caring for their team members. After exploring the needs of their teammates, the company concluded everyone had three common...

What Is Your ‘Go-To’ Strategy

By Dan Britton I have enjoyed many sports, but my favourite has been lacrosse, as participant and spectator. This sport has also taught me about life. For example: using the “go-to move.” When the outcome of a lacrosse game was on the line and our team needed a goal,...

What Is The Heartbeat Of Your Mission?

By Robert J. Tamasy Over the years I have worked with several companies and organisations in a variety of roles. Most of them have had clearly stated missions. Some even printed and displayed their mission statements at strategic spots around their facilities to serve...

The Importance Of Serving Others

By Jim Mathis When I was planning to start my own business years ago, I began looking for ways I could serve people. I was particularly interested in finding an opportunity where outstanding customer service would be welcomed and rewarded. The result was Mathis Photo,...