The Power Of Discipline At Work – And In Life

By Jim Langley What comes to mind when you hear the term, “the disciplined life”? Does it carry positive or negative connotations for you? The idea of a disciplined life has always intrigued me, especially since I have observed proponents of a theory or cause usually...

The What, Who And Why Of Thanksgiving

By Robert J. Tamasy This week the United States marks the annual Thanksgiving Day observance. Similar holidays on various dates are observed in other nations, including Canada, Germany, Japan, Austria, Grenada, Saint Lucia, Liberia, and unofficially in countries such...

Don’t Let People Or Circumstances Steal Your Joy

By Jim Mathis We sometimes hear people talking about the importance of finding work you love. This may be a little overrated, but it is important to do things that do not destroy your joy, your sense of satisfaction and meaning. You may be doing physical labour all...

Visionaries vs The Financially Driven

By Rick Boxx We live in very uncertain economic times. It probably has always been that way, but for a variety of reasons, economic conditions seem especially unpredictable now. The question is not why this is so, but how we should respond. Do we take a defensive...