The Value Of The Long View Of Life

By Stephen R. Graves My son’s basketball coach used to deliver a simple message: “Do not let high school basketball be the best thing or worst thing that has ever happened to you in your life. If it is, then we’ve failed as coaches.” In other...

Serving Others – And Being Treated Like A Servant

By Robert J. Tamasy In the marketplace, we hear terms such as “business leaders,” “corporate executives” and “entrepreneurs” in referring to people holding positions of influence and authority. But how often do we hear people describe themselves as “servants” – unless...

Not Growing A Business – Can That Be A Good Plan?

By Jim Mathis My family has been filled with people who worked for themselves, owning their own businesses. I always knew I wanted to do the same. My general plan was to develop a skill or craft that would allow me to be creative, set my own schedule, and be...

The Snares Of Success

By Rick Boxx Recently, I interviewed Anne Beiler, founder of Auntie Anne’s Pretzels, about the snares of success. She was an 8th-grade educated, stay-at-home, Amish mum when she determined to help support her family by starting a pretzel business. From the humble...