Strength Through Accountability

By Robert J. Tamasy More often than we would like, we hear sad, sometimes scandalous stories of prominent leaders found guilty of moral or ethical wrongdoing. Someone who built a strong reputation and earned the respect and admiration within their profession seeing it...

Business And The Reliability Of The Bible

By Rick Boxx The vision of the organisation I direct, Unconventional Business Network, is to see one million business leaders modelling biblical principles in their workplaces. Therefore, trust in the authority and reliability of the Bible is foundational. Recently...

Taking Responsibility And Doing The Work

By Robert J. Tamasy We live in an unusual time. More and more, people seem unwilling to take responsibility for their decisions and actions. For some, it has become a case of casting blame on others – people, specific institutions, or society in general – and assuming...

The Both/And Approach To Decision Making

By Stephen R. Graves Often the most difficult decisions business and professional leaders must make are not between issues that are black and white – obviously right or wrong – but between two shades of grey. For instance, a CEO friend who owns a family business is...