Gaining The Respect Of Co-Workers

By Robert J. Tamasy For many years I have held the conviction that the “sacred/secular” distinctions we sometimes hear about are not supported anywhere in the Bible. Clergy and missionaries may have been given specific roles, along with the necessary gifts and...

Considering The Wonder Of Leadership

By Jesus Sampedro How do you know if you are a leader? Check and see if you have anyone following you. Having followers is the demonstration that there is some kind of leadership taking place. John Maxwell, world-renowned author and leadership authority, once said,...

Striving For Simplicity In A Complex World

By Jim Langley You have probably noticed just how complex life has become. Business and professional people scan through hundreds of emails every workday to locate about a dozen relevant to their business. Even many retired individuals comment on how busy their lives...

Emotions In Business – Good Or Bad?

By Robert J. Tamasy Emotions are curious things. We see them on display at weddings, sporting events, family gatherings, and in public demonstrations. They can range from joy and happiness, with smiles and laughter, to deep sadness with tears and agonised cries. They...