By Jim Langley

Life is a process. We might have similar experiences, but every person deals with problems and challenges a bit differently based upon their unique circumstances. The key is recognising the process and embracing it. This is what I have found most significant in my life journey.

This is not to suggest in any way that life is just a leisurely walk through the park. Life is filled with hazardous conditions and circumstances that require deliberate preparation and planning. Ideally it is not a process we must undertake on our own.

Not all are blessed to have mentors and coaches who gladly invest in the lives of our future generations. Many younger people are left to fend for themselves and sadly, follow the influence of those who are headed down a path of destruction.

In my case, I am fortunate to have had people that have invested in my life. For that reason, it only seems appropriate to do the same for others. God now has me taking a gentleman only slightly younger than me through Operation Timothy (OT), CBMC’s foundational study of the Bible that has been used for more than 50 years. I first went through OT with Carl Schuele 35 years ago. I am forever grateful for his sacrifice in meeting with me and another man every Tuesday morning for nearly a year.

OT is not only meeting together and studying the Scriptures. It is all about embracing the process of personal, professional, and spiritual growth. During his lifetime, my friend Carl showed many businessmen and professional men how to live as people of God. But we were not taught; many of us caught his passion for life and devotion for serving Christ through both his words and his example.

God called Carl home to Heaven much too soon in my view, but that is often the reward of his saints. Consider these words in Hebrews 11:38a: “the world was not worthy of them.” However, only God decides how long we are placed in this world for His purpose; some of us remain for a long time. We would be wise to learn biblical principles about how to conduct our lives and do all we can to please our Savior and Lord.

For me, this means having my priorities in order and being available whenever God calls me to serve Him and others in some way. This “call” may come through business, church, family, or some other personal relationship. My task in the process is to make sure I recognise God’s working in my presence and being obedient in how I respond to His desires in those circumstances.

I have often been both encouraged and challenged by this excellent advice from the apostle Paul: “And whatever you do, whether in word or deed, do it all in the name of the Lord Jesus, giving thanks to God the Father through him” (Colossians 3:17).

This is where our focus should be. We need to embrace the leading of God’s Holy Spirit if we are to experience life to the full. As Jesus Christ said, “I have come that they may have life, and have it to the full” (John 10:10). Life can be an exciting journey if we seek to remain in God’s will. My personal desire is to be available to serve my Savior and Lord in WWWF – Whatever, Wherever, Whenever and Forever – for His glory!

© 2023, all rights reserved. Jim Langley has been writing for more than 30 years while working as a life and health insurance agent. In recent years, his passion has turned to writing about his relationship with God. His goal is to encourage others to draw near to Him as well. A long-time member of CBMC, he started writing “Fourth Quarter Strategies” in 2014.

Reflection/Discussion Questions

Do you agree with the statement that “life is a process”? In what ways do you think this is true – or can be true?

If you were to describe where you are presently in the “process,” what would you say?

How would you assess your progress in this process – and where do you hope to experience more progress in the future?

What do you think of the commitment to invest in the lives of others, to help them in growing personally, professionally, and spiritually? Has someone served in that role in your life? If so, explain the difference that they have made for you.

It has been said that when we invest in others through mentoring and discipling, both individuals benefit. They grow together. How do you think you could become involved in such a life-changing, mutually beneficial process?

NOTE: For more about what the Bible says, consider the following passages:

Ecclesiastes 8:5-6

John 17:20-23

Colossians 3:23-25

Titus 1:9

1 John 4:7-10